====== Repository-Suche bei openSUSE ====== Das Ziel ist klar: wegen der dynamischen Struktur muss man den Buildservice durchsuchen, eine statische Liste gibt es nicht. Das vorliegende Script baut auf meinen vorigen Versuchen auf. Versionen 10.1 und 10.2 sind herausgefallen wg. End-Of-Support, die Versionen 11.0, 11.1 und Factory kamen dazu. Die Smart-Channel werden jetzt auch via Channel-Datei erzeugt (analog der Zypp-Repo-Dateien). So, hier der Code: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # ############################################### # # This script loops through the directories of a # mirror of the openSUSE build system and tries # to figure out if the current directory might be # a repository and f so, for which release. # If it is, the directory is written to several # output files: one for smart (to be placed inside # /etc/smart/channels), one for zypp (to be stored # inside /etc/zypp/repos.d), and in one of two # possible channel lists for good old apt :-) # # Improvements are always welcome - I'm not # a Perl programmer, as you will see when reading # the source code ;-) # # written by Werner Flamme # # ############################################### use strict; use warnings; use Net::FTP; # set some variables our $debug = 0; my $ftpserver = 'ftp5.gwdg.de'; our $searchbase = 'pub/opensuse/repositories'; my $verzname = "ftp://$ftpserver/$searchbase"; our $preface = 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories'; # get date and time (used for logging) and print them my @dots; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; my $datstempel = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); my $jetztzeit = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); print "starting script on $datstempel at $jetztzeit.\n"; # where to put the data - logfiles with timestamp in their names my $logfilename = ">>findrepo$datstempel\_$jetztzeit.log"; our %allfiles = ('LOG' => $logfilename); my @versionen = ('103', '110', '111', 'FAC', 'S09', 'S10'); for my $vers (@versionen) { $allfiles{"{$vers}apt"} = ">>aptrepo_$vers\_$datstempel\_$jetztzeit.list"; $allfiles{"{$vers}home"} = ">>aptrepo_$vers\_$datstempel\_$jetztzeit\_home.list"; } # for my $vers (@versionen) mkdir 'zypp103.d'; mkdir 'zypp110.d'; mkdir 'zypp111.d'; mkdir 'zyppFAC.d'; mkdir 'smart103.d'; mkdir 'smart110.d'; mkdir 'smart111.d'; mkdir 'smartFAC.d'; # the real start :-) our $ftp = Net::FTP->new($ftpserver, Passive => 1) or die "Cannot access FTP server $ftpserver: $@"; print "Access to FTP server $ftpserver is possible\n" if ($debug & 2); $ftp->login("anonymous",'-anonymous@') or die "Cannot login: ", $ftp->message; print "anonymous login is possible :-)\n" if ($debug & 1); # now start the loop! scan1dir($searchbase); # post work - write out the time again so one can see how long it takes ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; $datstempel = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); $jetztzeit = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); print "script finished on $datstempel at $jetztzeit.\n"; sub scan1dir { our %allfiles; our $searchbase; our $preface; our $ftp; our $debug; my ($thisdir) = @_; # $thisdir is s.th. like home:/dings/openSUSE_10.3 print "now working on $thisdir\n" if ($debug & 4); # may this be a repository? And for what version? my $right7 = substr($thisdir, -7); my $right6 = substr($thisdir, -6); my $right5 = substr($thisdir, -5); my $right4 = substr($thisdir, -4); my $right3 = substr($thisdir, -3); my $forget = length("$searchbase"); my $shorter = substr($thisdir, $forget); my $legible = $shorter; my $itsfor = 'xxx'; my $usehome = ($thisdir =~ /home:\//); # now snip from the last / onward: if (length($shorter)) { $legible =~ s|(.*)/(.+)|$1|; $legible =~ s|/||g; $right4 = substr($thisdir, -4); $right3 = substr($thisdir, -3); $itsfor = '110' if ( ($right4 eq '11.0' ) or ($right3 eq '110' ) ); $itsfor = '111' if ( ($right4 eq '11.1' ) or ($right3 eq '111' ) ); $itsfor = '103' if ( ($right4 eq '10.3' ) or ($right3 eq '103' ) ); $itsfor = 'FAC' if ( $right7 eq 'Factory' ); $itsfor = 'S09' if ( ($right5 eq 'SLES9') or ($right6 eq 'SLES_9') ); $itsfor = 'S10' if ( ($right5 eq 'SLE10') or ($right6 eq 'SLES10') or ($right6 eq 'SLE_10') ); } # if (length($shorter)) $ftp->cwd("/$thisdir") or die "Cannot change into working directory $thisdir: ", $ftp->message; my @dircontent = $ftp->dir(); my @unterverz = (); my $ftpelem; # walk through the directory for $ftpelem (@dircontent) { # get file info my ($rechte, $num, $user, $group, $size, $mon, $day, $time, $name) = split / +/, $ftpelem, 9; # is it a directory? if (substr($rechte, 0, 1) eq 'd') { print "guessed directory: '$name' (itsfor=$itsfor, ", "shorter=$shorter, legible=$legible)\n" if ($debug & 1); # may it be of interest? if (("$itsfor" ne 'xxx') and ("$name" eq 'repodata')) { # yes - so log and print and shout and... my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; my $jetztzeit = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); my $MYTOFILE = $allfiles{"LOG"}; open THISHANDLE, $allfiles{"LOG"} or die "$jetztzeit: Cannot open logfile"; print THISHANDLE "$jetztzeit: now writing ", "$legible for $thisdir\n"; close THISHANDLE; # if home:/... entry, write into separate apt file if ($usehome) { open THISHANDLE, $allfiles{"{$itsfor}home"} or die "$jetztzeit: Cannot open apt-home ", "output file for $itsfor\n"; print THISHANDLE "repomd $preface $shorter\n"; close THISHANDLE; } # if ($usehome) # write into normal apt source my $meld = "Cannot open apt output file >>" . $allfiles{"{$itsfor}apt"}; open THISHANDLE, $allfiles{"{$itsfor}apt"} or die "$jetztzeit: $meld<< for: $itsfor ($shorter)\n"; print THISHANDLE "repomd $preface $shorter\n"; close THISHANDLE; if (("$itsfor" ne 'S09') and ("$itsfor" ne 'S10')) { # write into zypp repository file open ZYPPFILE, ">zypp$itsfor.d/$legible.repo" or die "Cannot create file ", "zypp$itsfor.d/$legible: $!"; print ZYPPFILE "[$preface$shorter]\n"; print ZYPPFILE "name=$legible\n"; print ZYPPFILE "baseurl=$preface$shorter\n"; print ZYPPFILE "type=rpm-md\n"; print ZYPPFILE "enabled=1\n"; print ZYPPFILE "autorefresh=1\n"; print ZYPPFILE "gpgcheck=1\n"; print ZYPPFILE "keeppackages=0\n" unless ("$itsfor" eq '103'); close ZYPPFILE; # write into smart channel file open THISHANDLE, ">smart$itsfor.d/$legible.channel" or die "Cannot create file smart$itsfor.d", "/$legible.channel: $!"; print THISHANDLE "[$legible]\n"; print THISHANDLE "name=$legible\n"; print THISHANDLE "baseurl=$preface$shorter\n"; print THISHANDLE "type=rpm-md\n"; close THISHANDLE; } # if not SLEx } # if (($itsfor ne 'xxx') and ("$name" eq 'repodata')) else { # so, it's not important. Put it on the stack, # maybe its content can be of some value ;-) print "adding $thisdir/$name to unterverz\n" if ($debug & 2); @unterverz = (@unterverz, "$thisdir/$name") if ("$name" ne 'lost+found'); } # else: if (($itsfor ne 'xxx') and ("$name" eq 'repodata')) } # if (substr($rechte, 0, 1) eq 'd') } # foreach $elem (@dircontent) # well, what did we find? Let's loop at the stack... if ((my $unterverz = @unterverz) > 0) { for my $untvz (@unterverz) { # yes, we are using recursion here scan1dir($untvz); } # for $untvz (@unterverz) } # if (($unterverz = @unterverz) > 0) 1; } # sub scan1dir